Affiliated Faculty

Director, Gerontology Program; Teaching Professor, Sociology

Assistant Professor of Gerontology in the Department of Epidemiology and Community Health; Gerontology Executive Committee

Associate Teaching Professor, Psychological Sciences; Gerontology Executve Committee

Professor of Nursing and Gerontology; Gerontology Executive Committee

Associate Professor of Sociology; Gerontology Executive Committee

Associate Professor of Political Science & Public Administration

Affiliated Faculty Member, Anthropology; Director of Dual MPH/MA in Anthropology

Adjunct Lecturer Gerontology and Social Work; Clinical Social Worker Department of Veterans Affairs

Adjunct Lecturer, Director of Outreach and Enrollment at P.A.C.E. of the Southern Piedmont

Adjunct Lecturer; Assistant Director at Centralina Area Agency on Aging, Winner of the AGHE Part-Time and CLAS Part-Time teaching awards